What Does It Mean to Surrender to God? | Total Commitment
What does it mean to surrender to God? Could our unwillingness to surrender our lives to Christ and die to self be the reason behind the lack of power in the church today? Why was God able to do mighty miracles through people like Elijah, Moses, and Peter, but not through us? In this 2-part series on practical Christianity, Pastor Pavel Goia addresses the challenge of dying to self and explains that although it’s a lot easier to keep Sabbath, sing in the choir, and eat broccoli, total surrender is essential to salvation.
What does our unwillingness to make a complete surrender of our lives say about our relationship with God? Why won’t He trust us with the kind of spiritual power we read about in the Bible? How can you tell if you’re not willing to surrender your whole life to God? What are the signs? Learn what’s missing in your life and in the church today. Discover what it means to die to self and how to do it.
What does it mean to surrender to God? Could our unwillingness to surrender our lives to Christ and die to self be the reason behind the lack of power in the church today? Why was God able to do mighty miracles through people like Elijah, Moses, and Peter, but not through us? In this 2-part series on practical Christianity, Pastor Pavel Goia addresses the challenge of dying to self and explains that although it’s a lot easier to keep Sabbath, sing in the choir, and eat broccoli, total surrender is essential to salvation.
What does our unwillingness to make a complete surrender of our lives say about our relationship with God? Why won’t He trust us with the kind of spiritual power we read about in the Bible? How can you tell if you’re not willing to surrender your whole life to God? What are the signs? Learn what’s missing in your life and in the church today. Discover what it means to die to self and how to do it.