Special Training for God’s People | Amazing Discoveries

Special Training for the Road Ahead | Campmeeting 2023: Onward. Forward. Homeward.

Campmeeting 2023: Onward. Forward. Homeward.
The road to heaven is narrow and the path to God’s kingdom is rough. It will take courage, strength, and determination to get there. How can you prepare for what lies ahead? God has given us light to guide our footsteps and tools to help us along the way. Join us this August 21-27 for presentations and workshops where you’ll dig deep into the Word of God and gain practical, hands-on knowledge in medical missionary work and country living. Speakers include: MacKenzie Drebit, Timon Spuller, Randy Skeete, Barbara O’Neill, Scott Mayer, and Matthew Schanche.
Come prepare with us. Get the training you need to weather the storms ahead. Register now for Amazing Discoveries’ Campmeeting 2023: Onward. Forward. Homeward.
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