Are Fermented or Cultured Foods Good for Us?

Are Fermented or Cultured Foods Good for Us?

Fermented Foods
Are Fermented or Cultured Foods Good for Us? Maintaining a healthy gut flora is important for overall well-being, as many diseases begin in the gut. There is a clear distinction between cultured and fermented foods. While fermented foods, if left to process, produce alcohol that isn't beneficial for the body, cultured foods don't undergo the same process and release B vitamins and Lactobacillus, which are great for boosting gut flora. 

Sauerkraut, used for thousands of years, and miso, a traditional Japanese food, are examples of cultured foods. Also, coconut, almond, and soy-based yogurts and kefir are incredibly healthful options. Join Barbara O'Neil as she briefly discusses the benefits of fermented and cultured foods!

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