What Doctrines of Demons Have Led Christianity Astray?
What doctrines of demons have made us forget the Biblical principles of our faith? Why are Protestants now confused about prophecy that the reformers were so sure of? Where is Christianity in the stream of time? Have we been swept away from our moorings of Biblical truth? Are we drifting toward the very dangers Christ warned us against? In this eight-part series, Professor Walter J. Veith evaluates key Christian doctrines against clear Biblical statements to show how Christianity has been led off course.
Are religion and science compatible? Is it possible to be a Christian evolutionist? What does it mean to be a Protestant Christian? Has our forgetting of Protestant principles resulted in confusion and short-sightedness regarding the fulfilling of Biblical prophecy today?
Movements to support and legally entrench human rights in all aspects of society are considered to be a good thing. What’s the difference between God’s law and human rights? Who is the Antichrist and how will he deceive the world into worshipping Satan the dragon? The Bible says that faith is based on what we cannot see, but many Christians rely on experience to bolster their faith. Is this safe? What does the Bible teach about Christ’s Second Coming and the millennium? How are God’s remnant people characterized by Elijah?
Rediscover Biblical truth in this look at modern Christianity in relation to Biblical Christianity.
What doctrines of demons have made us forget the Biblical principles of our faith? Why are Protestants now confused about prophecy that the reformers were so sure of? Where is Christianity in the stream of time? Have we been swept away from our moorings of Biblical truth? Are we drifting toward the very dangers Christ warned us against? In this eight-part series, Professor Walter J. Veith evaluates key Christian doctrines against clear Biblical statements to show how Christianity has been led off course.
Are religion and science compatible? Is it possible to be a Christian evolutionist? What does it mean to be a Protestant Christian? Has our forgetting of Protestant principles resulted in confusion and short-sightedness regarding the fulfilling of Biblical prophecy today?
Movements to support and legally entrench human rights in all aspects of society are considered to be a good thing. What’s the difference between God’s law and human rights? Who is the Antichrist and how will he deceive the world into worshipping Satan the dragon? The Bible says that faith is based on what we cannot see, but many Christians rely on experience to bolster their faith. Is this safe? What does the Bible teach about Christ’s Second Coming and the millennium? How are God’s remnant people characterized by Elijah?
Rediscover Biblical truth in this look at modern Christianity in relation to Biblical Christianity.