Walter Veith
Walter Veith, retired professor/researcher in medical bioscience, abandoned his atheist/evolutionist worldview following a series of challenging events for which his scientific training offered neither explanations nor solutions. The prophecies of Daniel played a significant role in his conversion. Since then, he has traveled the world, presenting thoroughly researched lectures on Bible prophecy, health, Creation science, and secret societies. Got questions? Walter Veith presents evidence-based research so you can make an informed choice.

Rekindling the Reformation
Must the Protestant Reformation Be Done Again?
Series •

From Crete to Malta
How Have Jesuits Made Catholic-Protestant Reunification Possible?
Series •

In the Stream of Time
What Doctrines of Demons Have Led Christianity Astray?
Series •

Life at Its Best
The Truth about Cancer: The Science of Disease Prevention
Series •

Walter Veith's videos

How to Be Holy
Without Spot or Wrinkle

What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
Corporate Identity

Terah and Halfway Christians
Terah Died in Haran

Gifts of the “Holy” Spirit?
Charisma of the Spirit

Where Did I Come From?
Science in Salvation

Psalm 15 and the Beatitudes
Come Up Higher

Keys to Strong Church Membership
Counting and Keeping Your Members

What happened to God’s remnant?
I Want My Church Back

Did Jesus Make all Meats Clean in Mark 7:19?
Clean and Unclean

Solomon’s Temple: Typology of Soul Winning
Rise and Shine

Lessons from Absalom
Crown of Glory

Signs Preceding the End of the World
Signs of the Times

Trusting God When the World Is Against You
Almighty Compassionate God

Are we distorting the character of God?
Who Shall Dwell

What’s the truth about the nature of God?
Our Personal God

What Do Angels Look Like?
Angel in Disguise

Judges 4: Deborah
Leadership and End-time Prophecy

How Does Christ Give Imputed Righteousness?
Except Your Righteousness Exceed