What Triggers the Battle of Armageddon? Part 2

What Triggers the Battle of Armageddon? Part 2

Battle of Armageddon? Part 2
Is this the Battle of Armageddon? If not, when will it take place? What happens before it? Join MacKenzie Drebit for Part 2 of our fascinating series, "What Triggers the Battle of Armageddon?" Delve into the mysteries surrounding our current times and whether we are indeed living in this cosmic clash. Learn the Bible-based protocol to answer these critical questions!

Did you know that the Bible predicted the fall of the Ottoman Empire with perfect accuracy? Discover insights from Ellen White on the fulfillment of prophecy in Revelation 9. Also, learn when the seven last plagues will fall, and find great hope in Revelation 12 as those with their names in the Book of Life are sealed for deliverance!

Amazing Discoveries invites you to join us on this journey as we recognize the signs of closing events and emphasize the importance of spiritual preparedness. Gain understanding through the unfolding of events, from the sealing period and the close of probation, to the representation of the four winds as an ominous horse and the falling of plagues. Do not be caught off guard. Now is the time to diligently seek the Holy Spirit and study the Bible for yourself to be ready for the soon return of Jesus Christ!

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