Identifying The Whore Of Babylon | Amazing Discoveries
Is Revelation 17 about the Antichrist? Who is the Antichrist power, and what is he up to? How can we avoid the mark of the Beast? This episode reveals the behind-the-scenes activities of the Antichrist power: how he places himself in the temple of God, claims to be God with power even over the Almighty, and claims to have the capacity to alter even the precepts of Christ. In this episode of Total Onslaught, the Bible and the Bible alone is used to expose the Antichrist's activities. It also includes a study on:
  • The Mark of the Beast and how to avoid it
  • The Biblical Sabbath
  • Did the disciples change the Sabbath?
  • Protestant testimony concerning the Sabbath and Sunday
  • The purpose of Sabbath
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